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Hit & Miss


It's a PSA share with a woman you truly care about.

PSA: Any woman or female dealing with any form of abuse!!

  • verbal

  • drug

  • sexual

  • physical

  • mental

  • financial

At one point of life, I was very ashamed of the past pain that I have been through. I was very depressed for along time in my life per relationships I was in.

I was very needy, I felt like I needed a man, and even begged for attention when it came down to simple things. I have gained a significant amount of weight up and down numerous times throughout my twenties and before having my daughter in my late teens.

As a child I was picked on per family and classmates (I so hated that time in my life) I had horrible acne and was skinny at a young age and as I got older, I went through so many thick chunky stages. Shocking to say I do not have a skinny bone on my body now. 😩 I was all in with the puppy love stage, lovey dove stage with being boy crazy.

I fought hard. I wore my heart on my sleeve. I am glad to be alive honestly. Being shook, slapped, knocked down, dragged, and even punched. Being needy for someone who I did not need destroyed me in my life.

One of best friends saw me go through one of the most painful parts of my life. The hit! The blow damn near took me out. The fall left me numb. To be called names, ugly, fat, bitch, and a hoe. I remember one of ex’s saying "bitch you aren’t nothing without me. "I remember another ex looking in my phone while I was sleep causing chaos trying to say I was cheating when he just didn't want to be with me anymore and he was actually cheating. Then calling his boys and "said mane this bitch", I remember when I was dragged on the floor and my "ex saying shut up bitch. I remember being ran up on, body slammed on a truck and fighting one ex because I just got tired of being weak.

I have never felt like I was able to get past all these things. I am able now because I am breathing, and I know I am more than any name or even hit. Telling one of my ex's. To stop because I did not want to have sex and being held down against my will, made me feel tore up and an outer body experience.

They are men willing and ready to respect women in this world regardless of how things may go! It is a choice with any individual as well as how they are raised. Pain can be deeply rooted but also can be broken. Your past is not an excuse to deal with abuse of any kind.

I do not miss the feeling of pain, crying, being next to someone knowing they do not care you nor themselves, I do not miss the words of shut up, why do you wear makeup, I do not want you to wear makeup, why do you thread your eyebrows, or better yet you are getting fat! I do not miss the devalued part of my life. I wish I would have noticed the signs, the small gestures at first.

These are things to look for and what observe:

  • words go along way! (what is said and how it is said matters)

  • One hit turns into several hits! (period!!)

  • A shove or a push is going to get worst! (it is just a test to see how far they can go)

  • no means NO

  • if it is harm to the body it is harm to the mind as well.

Love does not hurt. You hear people say it all the time but believing is everything! You deserve better. I know you feel needy of a man, because he pays all the bills, you all are married, you all have kids, you are high school sweethearts, maybe you are pregnant now, or even Engaged.

There is a way out. You can leave. Notify a family member or friend, contact your local police, there are things that can help you in your community, investigate a form of safe defense it goes along way especially with kids!

You live to breathe another day, there is another way.

Signed a survivor.

I took a lot of hits, and I do not miss it. I was lonely then needing someone yet and still I was still empty. I am more complete now even though I am single. Self-love has come a long way and I have never felt more beautiful and I am not looking for anyone to validate anything for me because I know! I do not miss the hits and you WON'T either.

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